KT&G Sangsangmadang Cinema 10 Year Anniversary Film Festival: TOP 10
KT&G Sangsangmadang Cinema
Type Of Work
Branding, Cinema, Theather
Film Festival, Festival Identity
Poster, Brochure, Social Media
KT&G Sangsangmadang Cinema celebrated its 10th anniversary by organizing a special event. Through a direct audience vote, the cinema selected the top 10 most beloved films that had been screened in the theater over the past 10 years. This selection was then screened one film per day over the course of 10 days as part of the TOP 10 Film Festival.

I made some modifications to the existing plan, focusing on the ‘Film TOP 10,’ and emphasized the number 10 that overlapped with the theater's 10th anniversary, 10-day duration, and 10 films. I used this number to highlight the festival's identity, allowing the information alone to convey the uniqueness of the event.
Over the 10 days of the event, the number 10 served as a countdown towards the top film, signified the festival's 10-day duration, and symbolized the theater's 10 years of history, offering a multi-faceted identity.